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League Proper to Bring Voter ID Case

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2012 | 2012 News |

Ruling that the League of Women Voters and its President may pursue a constitutional challenge to Wisconsin’s Voter ID law, Circuit Court Judge Niess reasoned that the League of Women Voters and its President are in an excellent position to carefully develop and zealously present the arguments regarding the constitutionality of the law. He ruled that the case was appropriately before the court, because “Without question, declaratory relief on the constitutionality of photo identification requirements in Act 23 serves a useful, indeed profound, purpose.” The court also declined the defendants’ motion to dismiss Governor Walker from the lawsuit, ruling that Walker is a proper defendant. The League is represented in this lawsuit by Attorneys Lester Pines, Susan Crawford and Tamara Packard. March 2012.
