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2014 News

2014 News

Harfst Keynotes Workforce Development Board Summit

CWPB partner Linda Harfst presented a keynote legal session "I Thought We Weren't Supposed to Talk About Age" at the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin's April 24, 2014 summit entitled "Responding to a Maturing Workforce." Over 60 people attended...

Loeb’s Work Benefits Solidarity Singers

Since early 2011, protesters have gathered at the Capitol Building to vocalize and demonstrate their opposition to the policies of Governor Walker's administration, and has stood beside the protesters every step of the way.  Among...

Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Wisconsin

On March 25, Attorney Tamara Packard presented a continuing legal education seminar to members of the Dane County Bar Association entitled "First Comes Windsor, Then Comes Marriage: What It Means for Wisconsin Same-Sex Couples." Packard is partner here at [nap_names...
