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Statewide Wind Siting Rules Go Into Effect

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2012 | 2012 News |

On behalf of the wind energy industry, CWPB’s governmental relations team helped score a major victory in the Wisconsin Legislature when the legislature adjourned without indefinitely suspending PSC 128, the rule governing the siting of wind energy facilities adopted by the Public Service Commission.

In March 2012, just hours before the rule was set to go into effect, the Joint Committee for the Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR) had temporarily suspended it, resulting in cancellations of proposed wind energy facilities across the state.

Bills introduced to permanently suspend the rule, SB-50 and AB-72, failed to pass the Legislature, after an effective campaign by the Wisconsin Energy Business Association (WEBA), a coalition of wind-related companies interested in clean-energy investment and employment in Wisconsin.
