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Dumas & Westerberg Prevail in University Records Case

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2017 | 2017 News |

Last week, a Circuit Court Judge in Winnebago County ordered the University of Wisconsin (UW) to release personnel records to a student journalist represented by Attorneys Christa Westerberg and . The journalist, Alex Nemec, went to court after the University blocked his request for records related to the investigation of Will Hagen, a business professor at the UW in Oshkosh.

Although University officials initially agreed to produce some of the records that Nemec requested, Hagen filed a petition that stopped them from following through. In response, Nemec filed a motion to intervene. The Circuit Court’s decision to deny Hagen’s petition for a statutory injunction is a victory for advocates of a free press and increased transparency in public institutions.

Westerberg and Dumas are members of a referral network for the Student Press Law Center (SPLC), which partnered with Pines Bach LLP in Nemec’s case. To read more about the story behind the case, the SPLC and its relation to Pines Bach LLP, click on the links provided.
